Optometry & Vision Services



Orthokeratology, also known as ‘Ortho-k’, is a safe, painless, non-surgical, and reversible method to vision correction. It involves wearing a customized FDA-approved gas permeable lens only to sleep at night to gently reshape your cornea. Just like night time dental retainers, it allows proper alignment to occur so that light can be redirected properly onto your retina. This allows for clear 20/20 vision when you wake up without needing glasses or contacts throughout the day.

Why does my vision get worse over time?

Refractive conditions causes blurry vision and can result from longer, shorter, or irregularly shaped eyes.  The most common condition is myopia, which can start during childhood but continue to increase into your adult years.  It is caused by mostly genetics but environmental factors as well. Recent studies have showed a new generational increase in myopia proportionate with an increased use of computer and mobile devices.

Why should I consider ortho-k over Lasik or standard contacts?

The shape of the eyes may change every year, which can make certain individuals less suitable candidates for LASIK surgery. Ortho-k is reversible and non-invasive, which means you can consider LASIK once your prescription becomes stable even after therapy.

Ortho-k is the only FDA-approved method to address myopia ‘nearsightedness’ progression from worsening each year.  The sooner you start the better, but Ortho-K is suitable for all ages. It can also help with dry eyes and allergies caused by contacts as well as the need for reading glasses caused by presbyopia.

How does it work?

A modern software will be used to calculate your corneal mapping kind of like a fingerprint and used to design a set of customized lens for you.  The lens are made of gas permeable material and gently contour the shape of your cornea with tear film technology. Results occur as soon as within one week of starting therapy.

Is Ortho-k right for me?

It is ideal for candidates who have deteriorating vision every year.  It is great for those who want to slow down their nearsightedness, especially children who start early.  It is great for those who do not like to wear glasses or contacts, or live an active lifestyle like playing sports.  Ortho-k is a great option for those who are not candidates for Lasik and those who are presbyopia but do not want to wear readers.

How soon will I see results and how long will it last?

Results can occur as soon as within one week without needing glasses or contacts. Clear vision typically lasts the full day of waking hours.

How much does Ortho-K cost?

Treatments costs vary by individual depending on a number of factors including the shape of the eye and amount of correction required.

The most straightforward way to get a better idea of everything involved is to come in for a free consultation where we can discuss any of your questions and go over details such as expected treatment period, total cost, and payment plans.


Dry Eye Treatment

A customized treatment plan is used for you based on your dry eyes condition. Dry eyes can be caused by blepharitis, evaporative tears, reduced tear production, Meibomian gland dysfunction, and other environmental factors.  The most advanced state of the art methods will be used to diagnose and treat your eyes.


With our increase use of digital devices, our eyes have become more dry. Studies have shown that our average blink rate decreases from 22sec to 4 secs when staring at a computer and this leads to evaporative dry eyes.  Contact lens can also dry our eyes. Other environmental factors include allergies, smoking, cold weather, heaters and air conditioners. Some other factors include natural aging process, certain medications, and systemic conditions like hypothyroidism and eczema.  Hormonal changes like birth control and pregnancy can cause dry eyes.


They might feel red, itchy, or scratchy. Dry eyes can produce a tearing and burning sensation when you are outdoors or exposed to bright light.  It can cause discomfort and irritation in contact lenses. Your eyes may feel tired, strained, or fatigued particularly at the end of a work day.


Mild dry eye symptoms can typically be treated with over-the-counter artificial tears (Systane, Blink, Refresh) or slightly more powerful prescription medications such as Restatis, Xiidra, or Lumify, to name a few.

There are also a number of more advanced and effective treatments for those who have more persistent symptoms, or to address other contributing factors to chronic eye dryness, which include collagen plugs, Meibomian gland massage, and BlephEx.


Collagen punctal plugs are a safe effective way to treat dry eyes from excessive computer use, contact lens wear, or allergies.  The plugs are gently placed into your tear drainage site on your bottom lids and help you regain a healthy tear film. They are safe, painless, and effective to use as they gradually dissolve on its own.  


Meibomian gland massage is a gentle effective way to express oil glands along your lids and treat dry eyes. Treatment involves microscopic expression of your blocked glands with tea tree oil and warm digital massage.

LipiFlow is a state-of-the art instrument that helps to gently express your glands that is quickly becoming the standard of care for dry eye and meibomian gland dysfunction.


BlephEx is a quick, in-office procedure to clean eyelids to maintain eyelid hygiene. With regular treatments, patients are able to reduce the recurrence of symptoms associated with dry eye and blepharitis.


Digital Eyestrain

In today’s modern world, our eyes are going through more strain and stress than ever.  Digital devices exist in our daily lives in the form of mobile phones, computer screens, tablets, and TV monitors to name a few.  According to the Vision Council, 80 percent of adults use digital devices for more than two hours a day and 60 percent report symptoms of digital eye strain.


Blue light is the shortest wavelength of the visible light spectrum with the most energy.  Our main source of blue light is sunlight, but the number of indoor blue light is on the rise and physically much closer to us.  The eye is not very good at blocking blue light, especially in children, and most of it passes through to the back of the eye structure.


The increasing usage of digital devices can be directly linked to the prevalence of eye diseases and conditions such as dry eyes, early cataracts, macular degeneration, retinal cell aging, and increasing myopia.  It’s important to understand how this continuous exposure to blue light can affect our long-term health, and take the appropriate precautions to protects ourselves and prevent the onset of such diseases.


In adults, common symptoms include: insomnia, eye fatigue, headaches, red burning eyes, light sensitivity, blurry vision at near, trouble focusing, and neck/back pain. Symptoms in children may manifest themselves in the form of excessive rubbing of eyes, irritability, trouble reading, headaches, blurry vision, or difficulty concentrating.