
Digital Eyestrain Therapy

In today’s modern world, our eyes are going through more strain and stress than ever.  Digital devices exist in our daily lives in the form of mobile phones, computer screens, tablets, and TV monitors to name a few.  According to the Vision Council, 80 percent of adults use digital devices for more than two hours a day and 60 percent report symptoms of digital eye strain.

What is “blue light?”

Blue light is the shortest wavelength of the visible light spectrum with the most energy.  Our main source of blue light is sunlight, but the number of indoor blue light is on the rise and physically much closer to us.  The eye is not very good at blocking blue light, especially in children, and most of it passes through to the back of the eye structure.

Why is blue light a concern?

The increasing usage of digital devices can be directly linked to the prevalence of eye diseases and conditions such as dry eyes, early cataracts, macular degeneration, retinal cell aging, and increasing myopia.  It’s important to understand how this continuous exposure to blue light can affect our long-term health, and take the appropriate precautions to protects ourselves and prevent the onset of such diseases.

What are the symptoms of digital eye strain?

In adults, common symptoms include: insomnia, eye fatigue, headaches, red burning eyes, light sensitivity, blurry vision at near, trouble focusing, and neck/back pain. Symptoms in children may manifest themselves in the form of excessive rubbing of eyes, irritability, trouble reading, headaches, blurry vision, or difficulty concentrating.

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